• 2008 - Started school... something seems... off.
  • 2009 - Wow, I don't even need to turn in work and I get 100%!
  • 2010 - Holy mother of all things, this is a school?
  • 2011 - Still waiting on that high paying job you promised ITT.
  • 2012 - The world ends, but at least I don't have to pay off my student loans.

Featured articles

It's capstone time at ITT, you have to pass to graduate, scary right? WRONG. Everyone passes, even people who steal their project right off the internet. Read More ...

Can you take something people give away for free, and then sell it for profit? ITT does, and they call it Education. Read More ...

When you buy Education from ITT, you can buy with confidence. You're getting ripped off, and you know it. Read More ...

Can you fit the square block in the circle hole? GREAT! Come get A's at ITT, we just need you to sign right here. Read More ...

I talk a lot of smack about the teaching staff at ITT, so much so that some people may be reading this blog and thinking that I am bending the truth. I also firmly believe in giving people another chance, if only to watch them fail miserably again.

Let's have a test!

The Idea:
Will one of the self proclaimed best teachers at ITT accurately grade writing assignments worth 55% of my total grade?

The Setup:
I am taking environmental issues and we have a choice of writing assignment for our grades.  We can either answer all the questions at the end of each chapter, or write a summary report of the chapter in our own words.

I tried one of each and handed them both in a few weeks ago.

Behind the Scenes:
Here is where it gets fun as I dabble a bit in psychology.

Paper 1
For the first paper I chose to do all the questions, but there is a catch. I purposely didn't write the questions with the answers, thus forcing the teacher to have the questions handy himself in order to grade my answers.  Just for added spice I also completely ignored a few of the questions and made up a totally random answer, and I copy pasted one of them as the answer for another question.

Paper 2
For the second paper I did a chapter summary in my own words.  This actually proved to be more time consuming since I had to go through more of the chapter to get the gist of the sections. I turned in a summary that was about 500 words, and liberally sprinkled with filler. The question being will the teacher actually take the time to read through all of these summary paragraphs for multiple students and notice my filler?

The Result:
Paper 1 got me an 85%
Paper 2 got me a 60%

At a glance it would seem that I got "caught" half assing the second paper, and I suppose on some level that's true.  But here is the kicker! I got a 60% on the second paper purely based on it being too short.  The only feedback on the page simply states that it's impossible to give a good summary using the amount of space I did. So he didn't even read it, he just gave me some generic low grade based on the length of the paper, even though I had to learn more of the chapter to write the summary.

As further proof, look at the first paper.  You know... the one that has copy/pasted answers for multiple questions and made up responses that don't match the questions.  It is extremely obvious this teacher is not "grading" anything.  He is casually skimming papers looking for glaring errors, and handing out generic grades based on the appearance of completeness.  Per his note, I got an 85% on the paper because I didn't write the questions with the answers.

Some examples:
Question 7 - Compare and contrast anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and and ecocentrism.
Answer - The preservation ethic has less to do with change, and more to do with wanting to keep things closer to what they have been.

Question 9 - Describe Aldo Leopold's land ethic. How did Leopold define the "community" to which ethical standards should be applied.
Answer - A land ethic is a code of ethics used when you are going to make changes to the land. Tree huggers love land ethics.

Just reading it again now makes me laugh.  A land ethic is a code of ethics about land...  That's worth an 85%!  lolz.

How are students supposed to learn anything with that kind of laziness in the teaching staff? If the teachers don't even pretend to care about the work, how can you expect students to care about it?

Not only that, but ITT has been taken to court before for exactly this same issue. Schools have been accused of artificially increasing student grades with this method because it gives them larger government checks to have students with good grades.


Never a Dull Moment

We had us a good ol' time at ITT this week! When was the last time your teacher idly talked smack about a student to the entire class with the student in the room? 

This particular teacher is a general education teacher, and has a reputation for being "unorthodox." Which of course is really just a nice way of saying he's a crack pot who uses his teacher status as a podium to spout his personal views about random things; most of which is about stuff he hates. You DO want to sit in class for hours listening to some old guy ramble about gay marriage and minorities and women's rights, right? 

For example, the latest incident before this one was a female student complaining to the Dean that the teacher was sexist and rude.  The guy apparently thought it was a good idea to lecture about how weak women are, and how they would all be sex slaves and raped constantly if the worlds civil structure broke down. Just what you were expecting to hear about in a statistics class right? 

And Then!

So that brings us to tonight. One of the more advanced students (has a bunch of IT certs, works in the field, and even teaches some courses himself) asks the teacher about a missing grade on his grade sheet.  The teacher says he does not have the paper, but if the student reprints it and hands it in he will update the grade.  Normal so far.  

So the student goes back to his seat and sits there quietly.  Then out of no where the teacher just starts talking out loud, almost to himself but loud enough for all to hear.

"You know I've been a teacher for 30+ years and never lost a paper, not once."

No response from the class.

"Every year though some students swear they have handed in work that I don't have, and like I said I have never ever lost a paper."   

One student asks if he can walk on water too?  Everyone laughs and it's quiet again for a few minutes, then he starts up again. 

"It's just very suspicious to me that I've never lost a paper, so my track record is pretty good wouldn't you say? But some student always says they handed something in and I lost it, isn't that suspicious?" 

Now lets ignore everything about this for a moment except for one thing. Never?  NEVER?  REALLY?  Perhaps you have students complain every year because you are actually losing papers? Obviously some of the time that's bullshit, but what about the student who always turns in every paper every time?  You never lose anything, and they never forget to hand anything in.... who's wrong?  


At this point the student who was just asking about a missing grade loses it and starts to go off on the teacher about his obvious attacks.  Telling him that he is the most unprofessional teacher he's ever had at ITT and that it's ridiculous that he's expected to sit there and say nothing while the teacher goes on and on, basically calling him a liar to the entire class.  Which of course led to the teacher and him getting into a huge pissing match about one getting the other removed from the class, with loads of F bombs for all.  Then the teacher stormed out of the room to get the Dean, and the student apologized for his language to the class and left as well.  

The Dean of course was not in, since none of the high level staff at ITT is ever around past 4ish, and the teacher came back as if nothing had happen and continued his normal lecture. 

The Moral

Are you sick of being treated like an adult? Find yourself awake at night wishing someone would disrespect you in front of large groups of people? Want teachers that are never ever wrong, and never lose anything, ever, no-seriously-not-ever? Have the ability to write personal checks for large amounts?  Come to ITT Tech!  

*Update for this coming soon! I got into my own battle with this guy the very next week, and it got to the point where I had to involve the director for the entire school.  Will update once it's all taken care of. *

*update on this!*
Just got another email from career services, this time offering jobs at UPS! Great work for an IT student... moving boxes from point A to point B.

Just a quick update today.

A friend of mine who also goes to ITT-Tech got an email today from his career specialist. At first glance it looked like a pretty typical huge email of spam.  Career specialist is of course just a fancy title for someone who does job searches on the internet, and then copies the whole thing into an email.

Want more proof?  The guy didn't even remove the Indeed branding from the email, he just sent it on. Because an IT student can't do a search at Indeed right?

He included the "sponsored" jobs with the other jobs.  So not only are you getting crappy spam jobs, you are literally getting spam too via sponsored job posting.

And now for the cream of the crop, here are some of the jobs this career services person is helping a networking student find...  Hilarious:
  • Inside Sales Representative - Want to be a cashier?
  • Software Tools Engineer - You do networking, you know how to code right?
  • Retail Consultant - No seriously, want to be a cashier?
  • In-Room Dining Server - How about wait tables?
  • Babysitting Job - Watch my kids then!
  • Book Cover- Back Cover Designer - So on top of networking and programming, you obviously can do design too, right? Ironically I actually can, but that's besides the point. *wink*  
I can't make this stuff up! It's just amazing. You are spending $80,000 to have some idiot spam your inbox with jobs any idiot off the street could get. What baby sitting job is going to pay enough to cover student loans that large?

But wait, who was it who sent this magical email?  None other then the same retard who I got into a war with last week. Now it all makes sense.

If you were good at finding people jobs, why do you work here?
So about a month ago I got an email from career services, they wanted me to send in my resume for a critique. Normally I would wonder what they did with the other resumes I sent them, but since this makes the 5th or 6th time I've done this, and I have never heard back from any of the others; I just sent it.

Fast forward a month to today, and me getting an email from the same idiot who asked me for my resume a month ago.

Hey Josh,

Just need you to stop by Career Services before class.

I need to document your current employment status so I can let leadership know that you do not need assistance in finding employment.

Don’t make me come to your class room,  please.

Richard Schario
Career Services

ITT Technical Institute

9680  Granite Ridge Dr. 

San Diego,  CA  92123


San Diego Campus


Does this say professional person who cares about finding me a job to repay the $80,000 school bill I have to anyone? Ignoring the highlighted portion for now, notice this isn't even about finding me a job.  It's about signing something that lets them off the hook for finding me a job. "So I can let leadership know you do not need assistance in finding employment."


Quick Recap of Career Services:
And now these idiots are trying to get out of one of the biggest selling points they spew everywhere when they are trying to get you to sign up for classes?  What happen to your 70-90% job placement rates? I am in a networking program without a networking job, how do you determine that I don't need job placement assistance?

But wait, lets not forget about that highlighted bit. "Don't make me come to your class room."  Are you retarded? I am not a child and I paid to attend the class, what planet are you on that you think you can come and remove me at your whim?

Here is my response, which I had to re-write and expand on because my original response was shove your paperwork up your ass bitch:

I hope you are joking with that last comment,  or is that what you would consider a professional email? You honestly think you can make lightly veiled threats that you can come and force me out of a class that I paid to be in? And for what? So I can fill out some paperwork?  Career services at ITT has done nothing for me but aggravate my current employer, which I spoke to your director about already.

Let me make this clear, I am busy with the job I got for myself. I don't care about your paperwork for a service that has done nothing for me; unless you think copy and pasting indeed job searches is actually a "career service?" I've sent my resume into your department multiple times over the years and never heard back about any of them. But you want me to take time out of the classes I paid for to fill out forms?

Not to mention you are a school that teaches technology, but require students to come and fill out paperwork in person?  Is this 20 years ago?  Send me the form digitally, I will sign it, and we can be done with this silliness.

And if memory serves, I sent YOU my resume over a month ago and never heard back.

It's just really amazing to me, at least it was until I looked up Mr. Shario and saw that he was a jerk off political science major.  Which totally explains why he's a low level career services person at a joke technical school. But still... don't you think your time would be better spent responding to my resume email, instead of sending threats about pulling me out of class?

So yeah... get out your check books and come to ITT-Tech!