If you were good at finding people jobs, why do you work here?
So about a month ago I got an email from career services, they wanted me to send in my resume for a critique. Normally I would wonder what they did with the other resumes I sent them, but since this makes the 5th or 6th time I've done this, and I have never heard back from any of the others; I just sent it.

Fast forward a month to today, and me getting an email from the same idiot who asked me for my resume a month ago.

Hey Josh,

Just need you to stop by Career Services before class.

I need to document your current employment status so I can let leadership know that you do not need assistance in finding employment.

Don’t make me come to your class room,  please.

Richard Schario
Career Services

ITT Technical Institute

9680  Granite Ridge Dr. 

San Diego,  CA  92123


San Diego Campus


Does this say professional person who cares about finding me a job to repay the $80,000 school bill I have to anyone? Ignoring the highlighted portion for now, notice this isn't even about finding me a job.  It's about signing something that lets them off the hook for finding me a job. "So I can let leadership know you do not need assistance in finding employment."


Quick Recap of Career Services:
And now these idiots are trying to get out of one of the biggest selling points they spew everywhere when they are trying to get you to sign up for classes?  What happen to your 70-90% job placement rates? I am in a networking program without a networking job, how do you determine that I don't need job placement assistance?

But wait, lets not forget about that highlighted bit. "Don't make me come to your class room."  Are you retarded? I am not a child and I paid to attend the class, what planet are you on that you think you can come and remove me at your whim?

Here is my response, which I had to re-write and expand on because my original response was shove your paperwork up your ass bitch:

I hope you are joking with that last comment,  or is that what you would consider a professional email? You honestly think you can make lightly veiled threats that you can come and force me out of a class that I paid to be in? And for what? So I can fill out some paperwork?  Career services at ITT has done nothing for me but aggravate my current employer, which I spoke to your director about already.

Let me make this clear, I am busy with the job I got for myself. I don't care about your paperwork for a service that has done nothing for me; unless you think copy and pasting indeed job searches is actually a "career service?" I've sent my resume into your department multiple times over the years and never heard back about any of them. But you want me to take time out of the classes I paid for to fill out forms?

Not to mention you are a school that teaches technology, but require students to come and fill out paperwork in person?  Is this 20 years ago?  Send me the form digitally, I will sign it, and we can be done with this silliness.

And if memory serves, I sent YOU my resume over a month ago and never heard back.

It's just really amazing to me, at least it was until I looked up Mr. Shario and saw that he was a jerk off political science major.  Which totally explains why he's a low level career services person at a joke technical school. But still... don't you think your time would be better spent responding to my resume email, instead of sending threats about pulling me out of class?

So yeah... get out your check books and come to ITT-Tech!


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