“As long as the check clears”

This is a common joke that floats around the ITT campus, and it refers to the grading system at ITT Tech, because passing with a high GPA really only requires that you sign in once every three classes.  Here’s how it works:

If you miss 3 classes in a row you fail the class, but if you miss 2 classes then show up once, you are good to go. So out of 11 classes for the quarter, you show up for 3-4 and pass.  At a real school missing so much class would still put you way behind in work, and you would fail.  Lucky for you, most teachers at ITT don’t even have work that you turn in. And if you happen to get a teacher that does want work back, just handing anything in normally gets you a 100%.

I would love to say that I’m shocked by that, but over my years here at ITT I have run into some really stupid people, all of whom I now share an associate’s degree with.  Some of which are still around in the Bachelors program, and if you told me a single person at ITT has a GPA below 3.0 I would be shocked. 

These Students Still Passed:
  • During labs that involved connecting routing equipment, one student would wrap the cables up and wear them on his head for the duration of the lab.  Not to be funny, but because he didn’t know what else to do with it. 
  • A student did his final report in project management on grilling a hamburger.
  • During the final presentation in capstone (a class you must pass to graduate) a student was asked how many domains the network of a single school would have. He answered  “I don’t know, 1000’s I guess.” -sorry if you are not nerdy enough to know how stupid this is. 
  • A student was asked to do a diagram of a network for his final project, not only was the diagram wrong, but a quick search on google showed the EXACT diagram the student had stolen on page one.
  • Many times I have seen students get 0’s on tests/midterms.  ZERO’s, as in you couldn’t even GUESS one?!  


9 Responses so far.

  1. Jeff Read says:

    things have changed since, we must turn in ALL our labs and homework, and the work load is pretty big, i spend all my time at home doing homework, or sleeping. and if your not an MIT drop-out then you will be challenged, just because you saw stupid people doing stupid things does NOT mean that they passed, and if they did, their GPA was a D, yer right, if the check clears you will pass, with a D. who wants to hire someone who gets all D's? a GOOD GPA matters. and those people who only show up 3 times a month, they aren't doing so hot unless they do all the work. If you don't do the work, you don't get a good grade. I'm only in my second quarter and i'm overwhelmed by the workload, but i am learning so much it's scary. You can bash ITT-Tech all you like, but i like this school, and by the way, this is an accredited school, and you DO get a diploma, there is no certificate programs at ITT, you get degrees. Besides, i saw like 20-30 students drop like flies after the 1st quarter simply because they couldn't handle it. So go on about how everyone passes that doesnt do any work, keep your talk up, because you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

  2. Josh says:

    I hope you feel the same way after you get through more quarters. But make no mistake, I graduated from ITT with honors and everything on this blog is
    completely factual as of the time of it's writing.

    And even if teachers are suddenly being cracked down on about doing almost nothing for their paychecks, it doesn't make ITT's value as a school that much greater. You are still getting a much better value for your money by going to a community/state college.

    As you are still quite new to the school I would offer some advice.

    1. Quit and go to a regular school, it's literally 1/4th the cost for an almost identical education.

    2. If you insist on staying, check with your chair/guidance person right now about what course of study you are enrolled in. If you know you will be going on to get a bachelors degree right now, make sure you are in the right classes. ITT will make you take courses that do not transfer to your bachelors degree unless you tell them now that you plan to do that. No one will ask you about it, but you can skip multiple classes including the associates degree capstone if you sign the right paper.

    3. Seriously consider a regular school...

  3. Unknown says:

    I wish I would have gone to a different school myself, I've been going for almost 3 years. Got an associates in systems administration, almost done with bachelor's, and burying my future self with insane amounts of student loan debt.

    With that being said, it definitely is a heavy work load, every class.

    The curriculum was, for the most part, fairly challenging, and I consider myself a reasonable, intelligent man. The worst for me was my junior level statistics class, good lord.

    I received a pretty solid education, but a few of the courses gave out passing, if not flawless grades for garbage submissions. The teachers for the few classes that operated as such used canned responses for every submission. I'm able to live with this because this situation only occurred a couple times, but still, offensive and insulting.

    I appreciate the education and can demonstrate my worthiness of the degrees I've attained and am in pursuit of, but the worst part of my college education is the debt I've taken on that I'm certain I'll have difficulty paying for until I'm 50 years old, for an education that I'm coming to understand isn't taken seriously by a lot of prospective employers.

    At least they made admissions effortless.

  4. While I am not in the systems administration courses I do currently attend ITT and nothing has changed. You are required to turn in homework but it doesn't matter what you turn in. I have a teacher that tells students to just copy someone else's. If you have any desire to learn anything PLEASE go to any other college, if you are looking for a degree that you just pay for you are in the right place. UNFORTUNATELY for me and others wanting to learn our degree will be worthless soon since employers are figuring out that ITT is a JOKE. I even have to find my own practicum because businesses in my area wont except free help from ITT students.

  5. bigdick69 says:

    I have been attending this school since September 2011. I went to the San Antonio campus for 1 year and then I have been online ever since. There were a lot of dumb people in my classes and they all either dropped out or flunked. Some teachers would purposely assign pop quizes and test on the days they were not there. That being said, you can cheat at any school, you can cheat at a lot of other things to, but how does that make this school bad? You can take a lot away from what you learn at ITT. I already have a good job as a Coordinator at an metal building components company, but I know with my work experience, background, military experience, personality, educations, and work ethic I will continue to better myself. I really puzzles me to think that people are so stupid, that they think ITT is the problem, take a step back and evaluate yourself for a moment. Best advise is don't worry about what others think, work hard, graduate and sky is the limit.

  6. Unknown says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. I had a grade disappear one day... just poof gone. It was a Math credit from a teach that made me earn it. It was a tough class and the irony was that the more advanced Math class was taught by an idiot who gave me an A for showing up. but I digress. It took me over a year to get that credit back and to make matters worse, they claimed I didn't qualify for financial aid because I only took two classes that quarter and when that math class magically vanished, their system said I was only taking one which was not enough to qualify. I'm still trying to get that fixed almost 2 years latter!

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