*update on this!*
Just got another email from career services, this time offering jobs at UPS! Great work for an IT student... moving boxes from point A to point B.

Just a quick update today.

A friend of mine who also goes to ITT-Tech got an email today from his career specialist. At first glance it looked like a pretty typical huge email of spam.  Career specialist is of course just a fancy title for someone who does job searches on the internet, and then copies the whole thing into an email.

Want more proof?  The guy didn't even remove the Indeed branding from the email, he just sent it on. Because an IT student can't do a search at Indeed right?

He included the "sponsored" jobs with the other jobs.  So not only are you getting crappy spam jobs, you are literally getting spam too via sponsored job posting.

And now for the cream of the crop, here are some of the jobs this career services person is helping a networking student find...  Hilarious:

  • Inside Sales Representative - Want to be a cashier?
  • Software Tools Engineer - You do networking, you know how to code right?
  • Retail Consultant - No seriously, want to be a cashier?
  • In-Room Dining Server - How about wait tables?
  • Babysitting Job - Watch my kids then!
  • Book Cover- Back Cover Designer - So on top of networking and programming, you obviously can do design too, right? Ironically I actually can, but that's besides the point. *wink*  
I can't make this stuff up! It's just amazing. You are spending $80,000 to have some idiot spam your inbox with jobs any idiot off the street could get. What baby sitting job is going to pay enough to cover student loans that large?

But wait, who was it who sent this magical email?  None other then the same retard who I got into a war with last week. Now it all makes sense.


One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Your posts are hilarious xD so fun to read. thanks for the warning !

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