Have you checked on your credits to graduate lately? If you haven't they may have changed, and it could cost you thousands of dollars. ITT also most likely forgot to tell you about the change, I can't find anything about it at least.

The Story:
I am supposed to be graduating next quarter, I emailed my school records keeper to get the exact date and in the mean time paid for my final classes. Then I got the response from records, somehow I have an entire extra quarter worth of classes to take.  Clearly this is a mistake, I was just in the financial aid department and their records matched my own, and if anyone is paying attention to dates, it's the people who handle the money.

My Records:
If you didn't know it should take 3 years 9 months to get a BA degree from ITT.  This is advertised everywhere, and was confirmed as correct by the recruiters at my school.

  • 3 years 9 months 
  • 180 total credits
  • 4 credits per class
  • 12 credits per quarter

It all works out, and I currently have 156 credits. If you add the 12 from the classes I am taking now you get 168. Which leaves me with one final quarter to make my 180.  But people in records say I need two more quarters for a total of 192 credits, and I am just supposed to eat another $6000? No thanks.

ITT Sucks at Everything:
So I've been playing phone tag and have been getting the run around for about a week now. The records person says I have to talk to registrar, the registrar says I have to talk to the assistant dean.  None of whom are available past 5pm normally, which is a bit odd since 90% of ITT students attend night classes at 6pm.

Why would you want staff available during a time that students are actually there?

Waiting to hear back from the assistant dean now, and if what other students have said is correct, it's about to be a fight.  Word on the street is ITT is trying to tell current students that classes they already paid for and wasted time on, no longer count towards graduation and we need to take more.

Sounds like a class action lawsuit to me.  What's stopping ITT from adding new courses again next quarter to keep everyone paying? Can't wait to hear back from the baby dean.

The story continues!  Click for Part 2.


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