• 2008 - Started school... something seems... off.
  • 2009 - Wow, I don't even need to turn in work and I get 100%!
  • 2010 - Holy mother of all things, this is a school?
  • 2011 - Still waiting on that high paying job you promised ITT.
  • 2012 - The world ends, but at least I don't have to pay off my student loans.

Featured articles

It's capstone time at ITT, you have to pass to graduate, scary right? WRONG. Everyone passes, even people who steal their project right off the internet. Read More ...

Can you take something people give away for free, and then sell it for profit? ITT does, and they call it Education. Read More ...

When you buy Education from ITT, you can buy with confidence. You're getting ripped off, and you know it. Read More ...

Can you fit the square block in the circle hole? GREAT! Come get A's at ITT, we just need you to sign right here. Read More ...

How much would you pay to watch a youtube video? Personally, I wouldn’t pay a thing, I think that the video’s being free is the only reason youtube was a success.  But what does that have to do with ITT?  I am about to tell you. 

I Do Good Teacher?!
So I’m sitting in Ethics class one day, my hack teacher is complaining that students keep forgetting their name cards.  You know when you were in 2nd grade and the teacher made you write your name on a piece of paper? Yeah he does that.  Anyway, so he’s crying about adults not having name cards, and talking about the ethics of star wars for the 5th class in a row, when suddenly he stops.  "He wants to show a quick clip to try and salvage this ruin of a lecture about ethics I thought." WRONG.  

Instead he brings up a video of another instructor who is teaching ethics to his class, and proceeds to sit down and let us watch that for the remainder of class. And I am not talking about some secret, teacher only material here. He just grabbed some free streaming video off the internet, and called it a class.  WTF?  I pay for this?  I pay the school to employ you, so you can show a video of a real teacher discussing the topics?! 

So to get back to my original point, how much would you pay to watch free streaming videos?  Because at ITT they charge you full price for it, and the irony is it’s an ethics class.  How ethical is it of you to accept a teaching position, and collect a check by showing another teachers lectures?  Amazing. 

Here’s a link to the video’s that I found, save yourself some money.

“As long as the check clears”

This is a common joke that floats around the ITT campus, and it refers to the grading system at ITT Tech, because passing with a high GPA really only requires that you sign in once every three classes.  Here’s how it works:

If you miss 3 classes in a row you fail the class, but if you miss 2 classes then show up once, you are good to go. So out of 11 classes for the quarter, you show up for 3-4 and pass.  At a real school missing so much class would still put you way behind in work, and you would fail.  Lucky for you, most teachers at ITT don’t even have work that you turn in. And if you happen to get a teacher that does want work back, just handing anything in normally gets you a 100%.

I would love to say that I’m shocked by that, but over my years here at ITT I have run into some really stupid people, all of whom I now share an associate’s degree with.  Some of which are still around in the Bachelors program, and if you told me a single person at ITT has a GPA below 3.0 I would be shocked. 

These Students Still Passed:
  • During labs that involved connecting routing equipment, one student would wrap the cables up and wear them on his head for the duration of the lab.  Not to be funny, but because he didn’t know what else to do with it. 
  • A student did his final report in project management on grilling a hamburger.
  • During the final presentation in capstone (a class you must pass to graduate) a student was asked how many domains the network of a single school would have. He answered  “I don’t know, 1000’s I guess.” -sorry if you are not nerdy enough to know how stupid this is. 
  • A student was asked to do a diagram of a network for his final project, not only was the diagram wrong, but a quick search on google showed the EXACT diagram the student had stolen on page one.
  • Many times I have seen students get 0’s on tests/midterms.  ZERO’s, as in you couldn’t even GUESS one?!  

One of the biggest complaints about ITT is the cost. You are not hitting Harvard level costs per credit, but you are way above a normal college. And let’s be honest, Harvard charges what they do because they are Harvard.  

A high price tag is not the real issue though, it’s the value of the education you get for that price. 

OMG a Civic? HAHAH
If someone told you they spent $80,000 on their car, what kind of car would you expect them to drive?  A Porsche, M5 BMW, Tesla Roadster? All could be expected.  But what if you went outside to see the car and it was Honda Civic? You would laugh in their face.

That’s ITT.

When you pay around $1800 per course, you expect a lot.  People with real world experience who are good at teaching, large labs that can accommodate the number of students enrolled, enough books for everyone.  Pretty basic school stuff.  But ITT fails at all three of these.  The vast majority of ITT’s staff show up for a paycheck and repeat the same lecture regardless of class.  The labs are also repeated regardless of class and frequently don’t work due to the poor lab design, and I’ve lost count of how many times the book store didn’t have enough books. 

Cost Per Credit*
  •  Harvard - $876
  •  ITT - $450
  •  Local State College - $197
  •   Local Community College - $26
    *Subject to change at any time and may differ based on course.
I have a friend who went to city college for free due to low income.  Do you know what kind of education you get for free at a city college compared to $450 per credit?  About the same.  Discussing classes and the general experience with my friend, my extremely expensive school and his free to the poor school were nearly identical, except for one big thing. 

His school gave him certifications as part of his classes. Certifications are of course extremely important to an IT student, and ITT offers nothing on them.  

Keep up the good work ITT.  

For the better part of nearly 4 years I have gone to this school.  I should have quit the first quarter, but I was excited to finally be going back to school. I should have quit once that wore off, but by then it was too late, I had already spent a lot of money and the schools credits are good no where.

So here I am, almost done with my BA, the only thing of any value you are able to get from ITT (certainly not the education), and a ton of debt.

This school is so bad I just had to vent my frustrations somewhere. I will try to update this as a warning to those who can still escape, or who are crazy enough to consider this for profit business a school.