*Note that I did not go to ITT-Tech for graphic design or anything web related. I have seen comments on various sites pointing out that this site doesn't look like crap. Please don't think ITT had anything to do with it, I went to ITT for Computer Networking*
My name is Josh and I currently attend ITT. You might be thinking right now, "why do you still go to ITT if you hate it so much?" Which is a great question, one that I find myself asking from time to time.
The simple answer is I became trapped. I, like much of ITT's core base of students started ITT happy to be doing something good for my life. Going to college is what you are supposed to do, right? The novelty wore off after a few quarters, but no one likes going to class, so I stuck with it.
Then it started to become clear, this school is not a school at all, it's a business dressed up to look like a school, which is why ITT credits don't transfer, anywhere, sometimes not even to other ITT schools. (So don't even think of moving!) So I was stuck, I had been going too long to just drop out and have literally nothing to show for my time but debt.
This is where the magic of ITT is hidden. It's not in good classes, expert teachers, or people who care.
It's that once you go, unless you drop it almost immediately, you've spent a lot of money for credits that don't count at any other school. So you push through, and get your degree, because that shiny piece of paper is the only thing you can use to escape. It's the only thing you can wave around at potential jobs.
As for why I am doing this? Any google search will return 1000's of complaints about ITT, and while I am certainly no grand writer with flawless grammar, too many of the complaints are from people who I would describe as being perfect for ITT. Those students being the people who can barely read, and fail all the tests, but still pass the class with a B due to ITT's amazing grading system.
So for the record:
I had a 4.0 GPA at ITT for the longest time and got my AS with honors, but once I figured out that isn't saying much, I stopped trying so hard. My GPA is still 3.8-ish, and I am part of the networking program. I also think ITT is a terrible "school".