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Even at the low end, 70% job placement is quite impressive, right? ITT must have a whole team of people dedicated to nothing but rubbing shoulders with big tech companies in your area, that way as soon as you are ready, WHAM! Instant contact to the human resources hiring manager! Right?
As of this moment, of all the people I have met at school over the 3-ish years I have been here, no one I know has been placed in a job through ITT-Tech. Not a single person. I do know some people who have gone out on their own and got jobs. But they are the same people who could have gone to any school, maybe even none at all, and got that job, because they already had good working knowledge of the subjects. Some of which was never even covered at ITT.
I don't know a single person who gave ITT their resume, and got a job out of the deal. I don't even know a person who got an interview as a direct result of ITT. What I do see happening all the time though is that someone at ITT will log into craigslist, searches "networking", and then copy/pastes all those results into an email, and hits send to every student in the program. So now 100's of students are now fully aware of what 1000's of people on craigslist already knew.
Is that what you thought of when you heard job placement? I didn't. I thought ITT employed someone who would give me an inside track to a hiring manager, which would let me side step logging into craigslist. But no, I instead get mass spam emails from someone doing searches I am fully capable of myself. But I should be fair, because ITT has actually sent me more direct emails with an actual phone number to call if I needed work... There was just one catch... it was security guard work, starting at $11/hr.
Imagine that brochure? Come to ITT Tech! Spend $80,000! Find work as a security guard barely above minimum wage!
I was offered a job last weak upgrading servers. what is this nonsense? im only in my second quarter and i already know everything you are saying is complete hog wash. you have diarrhea of the fingers.
My fingers actually experience regular bowel movements of quite a normal consistency, nice brown to off brown color with a toothpaste like consistency. I appreciate the GI tract concern though. :D