How much would you pay to watch a youtube video? Personally, I wouldn’t pay a thing, I think that the video’s being free is the only reason youtube was a success. But what does that have to do with ITT? I am about to tell you.
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I Do Good Teacher?! |
So I’m sitting in Ethics class one day, my hack teacher is complaining that students keep forgetting their name cards. You know when you were in 2nd grade and the teacher made you write your name on a piece of paper? Yeah he does that. Anyway, so he’s crying about adults not having name cards, and talking about the ethics of star wars for the 5th class in a row, when suddenly he stops. "He wants to show a quick clip to try and salvage this ruin of a lecture about ethics I thought." WRONG.
Instead he brings up a video of another instructor who is teaching ethics to his class, and proceeds to sit down and let us watch that for the remainder of class. And I am not talking about some secret, teacher only material here. He just grabbed some free streaming video off the internet, and called it a class. WTF? I pay for this? I pay the school to employ you, so you can show a video of a real teacher discussing the topics?!
So to get back to my original point, how much would you pay to watch free streaming videos? Because at ITT they charge you full price for it, and the irony is it’s an ethics class. How ethical is it of you to accept a teaching position, and collect a check by showing another teachers lectures? Amazing.
Here’s a link to the video’s that I found, save yourself some money.