Do you like having your time wasted? How would you like to stop everything and drive to school, only to show up to an empty classroom? Ever wanted to just drive in circles when gas is $4/gal?  ITT can help you.

Over the years I have simply lost track of how many times teachers did not show up for class. The first day of school is especially prone to teacher no shows.  Sounds crazy right?  The very first day of class, and the teacher can't show up? WoW!

That actually happen to me the very first day of the first class I ever took at ITT.  The teacher called out sick, and was replaced with some random old guy who talked about his life for about an hour then sent us all home. Since then it's become the norm, and please don't think I mean to say teachers are calling out sick and there is a substitute available.

I would say 9 out of 10 times the teacher doesn't show, there is no one to replace them.  When this happens, the students wait for 30 minutes, then we all sign in on a piece of paper and leave it taped to the door.  That way we can say at least we showed up.  But that time you spent premium dollars on? Yeah, that's gone.

Last quarter my teacher no showed so many times the dean bought every student dinner to try and do damage control.  As if a few slices of pizza really replaces $100's of dollars wasted.

So take a good look at the above image, and ask yourself, do you really want to go to a school that is so desperate for teachers that they allow them to not show up half the time?


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